98% des américains ne font pas « pleinement » confiance à internet:
C’est le vieux truc du verre à moitié plein ou à moitié vide : ne pas faire confiance à internet (ce qui en soi ne veut pas dire grand chose) peut un signe de bonne santé mentale et de grande vigilance. Mais cela peut aussi signifier que la méfiance légitime confine à une paranoïa qui pourrait conduire à une sorte d’autisme numérique.
Mancx, un site spécialisé dans les questions-réponses ciblées entre professionnels, a récemment publié une étude sur les américains et leur rapport à internet. Vous me direz, les américains, encore et toujours, on s’en fout un peu. Pas vraiment. D’une part aucun institut spécialisé ne conduit le même genre d’étude en France, et d’autre part les comportements sont certainement très comparables de part et d’autre de l’Atlantique. Donc ce qui est vrai pour les US est souvent vrai pour nous aussi, à quelques petites variantes près.
De cette étude il ressort que le bilan que dresse l’Amérique de l’Internet n’est pas très reluisant. L’étude, menée par Harris Interactive en juin 2012 pour Mancx fait ressortir de façon assez crue ce que nous pouvons connaître de certains travers d’internet, à cela près qu’ici ils sont tous réunis dans le même lot de réponses.
Alors, en vrac, les personnes interrogées ont indiqué dans leurs principaux griefs :
- trop de publicité – 59%
- informations périmées – 56% (bon, c’est un peu inhérent à la nature du web qui garde tout, suffit de savoir faire le tri)
Un peu en marge de ce sujet, mais quand même en relation, ces craintes me font penser à un épisode de la série Esprits Criminels sur lequel je suis tombé un peu par hasard un soir de cette semaine, où le taré du jour se servait des « réseaux sociaux » pour trouver des jeunes filles à assassiner. Tous les clichés sur le web, les réseaux sociaux – repères de pervers ou de branleurs – y sont passés un par un dans un exercice pédagogique d’inventaire d’un ridicule réactionnaire achevé. Avec en point d’orgue la remarque très crédible du baba cool de service : « moi je n’ai même pas d’adresse email », réplique – très crédible pour un agent du FBI âgé d’à peine 25 ans – présentée comme le symbole de la pureté absolue de la police, constituée uniquement de gars droits et loin des turpitudes de ces internets de malades mentaux. Peut-être que les gens qui ont répondu à ce sondage avaient juste vu l’épisode en question avant, en fait. Va savoir.
Mancx – Earn Money by Selling Your Knowledge
Today! Almost everyone is interested in making
money online, few get succeed in it and few left with frauds. All are
interested in gaining knowledge but none of us have thought of making
money online by selling knowledge.
Mancx – The knowledge market
is launched as a sort of classified ads site for business intelligence.
In other words, it’s a knowledge market where you can buy and sell any
information. There users are business people who need answers, and
people who want to make money from their knowledge can answer there
question to make money online.
People can place an ad with a request for the
information they need. Mancx publish the request globally, and find the
right person to answer that question. Each question or knowledge request
has a price tag attached to it. And the person answer the question will
get paid..
Mancx is the place on the internet where you can
trade knowledge for money directly with other individuals. In this way
people get the answer they didn’t have while doing Google, from you and
you earn the price tag.
In 4 steps you can sell your information
1. Register
2. Receive questions from Mancx, matching your profile
3. Upload information & get paid
4. Withdraw your earnings & have party!
And if you’re willing to spend money in getting information, follow these steps.
1. Visit Mancx.
2. Place an ad with a simple question
3. Choose an answer.
4. Pay and download the information.
5. Rate the seller and add him or her to your network.
For professional bloggers,
mancx also have a way to get paid while interacting with your loyal
readers. Using their new widget you’ll be able to enable to answer
questions for money on your blog. It is an excellent opportunity to
engage with readers in real business. Your readers think highly of you,
and are willing to pay for your knowledge.
Connect via Twitter: MancxWhat is Manck Philosophy:
Mancx vision is to make any and all information available at the right price. With a patent-pending knowledge trading platform and connections to the largest business networks in the world Mancx gives you new opportunities.Mancx connects people looking for answers with those of who have them. Some users of Mancx are in search of that particular little piece of information that will change a business forever. Others are looking for leads to reach their next sales quota or maybe looking for that intriguing piece of knowledge to boost next morning’s presentation to the board of directors. No matter what your needs are, Mancx is the place to find what you are looking for. Mancx offers crowdsourcing of the most valuable information.
Last article available in the Mancx Blog :
Programmers Heaven using Mancx for paid answers
You’ve probably poked around the forums on Programmer’s Heaven and seen a lot of unanswered question. Maybe you’ve even posted one yourself that nobody has gotten around to answering. Luckily for you Programmer’s Heaven has teamed up with Mancx to make sure that your important questions don’t remain unanswered! Even if you haven’t posted a question on Programmer’s Heaven, this new connection has benefits for you, too. Now you can put your valuable knowledge to work getting paid to answer question on Mancx!Getting started on the Mancx forum is extremely straightforward: just create your profile or log in through LinkedIn, and get to work. First of all, think about how you want to ask your question; the more precise details you can provide, the more likely it is that someone will be able to give you the perfect answer that you’re looking for. Once you’ve finished writing your question, decide on a price, and this part is important: 82% of members surveyed said that a question should cost $45-$50, so make sure that you don’t price yourself out of the market!
Once you’ve put your question out into the Mancx community pretty soon you’ll get a few answers. The nice thing about Mancx is that you get to preview answers before you decide to buy them (because you wouldn’t buy anything sight-unseen!), and once you decide on a suitable answer all you have left to do is pay! Then you’re just a quick download away from the answer you’ve been looking for.
We’ve created this special relationship with Programmer’s Heaven to ensure that you receive what we call “premium answers”. This means that you get specialized answers from the experts who have the information you’re looking for without having to weed through answers that just aren’t up to snuff. And, don’t forget that if you don’t have a question to post yourself you’re always welcome to come help someone else with their question, and get paid in the process!
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